天气 MORECAST的功能非常强大,相比起国内的天气预报年年不变的那几种查询功能和详细信息,这个软件的特点就独特了很多,例如小时天气,还有详细的风速,降雨直观图,当然漂亮的ui设计也是一大亮点,不过就是摄像头这个特色功能在国内并不好使,但是无所谓,无论国内或是出国都可以备一个,防防老天爷!
天气 MORECAST 是免费小时天气预报,有详细的风速信息,暴风雪跟踪器,多普勒天气雷达,导航天气和摄像头。 MORECAST 是伦敦,伯明翰,曼彻斯特,洛杉矶和世界其他地点的天气伴侣。
Now Morecast gives you more! Thank you for using MORECAST. We're always making improvements based on your feedback.
What is new:
- Witness the change in global weather patterns on our impressive 3D Globe. Explore beautifully lightning, rain and temperature changes plus now events.
- Minor bug fixes. With Morecast, always take the weather with you!